Monday 17 October 2011

This is Sabina ( three years old)

A little princess with  a strong personalitty ...
Personality :
 She has an interesting personality . Sabina is little and cute and demands attention where ever she is .The minute someone pays attention on her she plays it up big time. She is very mature in lots of way but  sometimes she loves to be  completelly babied.
She loves to dress up and feel preety for herself . She is very controlling and bossy little girl !

Sabina likes pasta , fruits and vegetables . She refuses to eat meat or chicken , except those " chicken nugget"
She would spit anything out she did not want to eat. We are changing the rules about nutrition at our house , hopefully she can get better  and better with time . 
There are some days when she does not wanted to eat at all and she cries becuase wants cookies and desert but as she did not eat very good ( healthy food) she is not allowed to have junk snacks .

sleep :
She likes to sleep alone in her bed , she slept  in her bedroom since she was 3 months old and through the night so,  we were very lucky .  She has her favorite blanket and she does not like to feel nobody sleeping  beside her . she is very good sleeper.

 She would scream many times if she did not get her way, if we tell her she has to do something she does not wants to do . Sometimes even make me feel like the worst mother ever but then I think I am not the worth mother ever, That I am not going to allow to dictate over  this family . We just started a zero tolerance policy with her. There is not warnings  only obedience . Screaming over every little thing is now unacceptable and will not be tolerated. If it means the rest of the family gets to go out and have fun and she has to stay home (with me of course) then so be it.

I am sure in her head she thinks her life is the roughest and that she is the only one who is punished in those ways .

Favorite games:

She loves to play tea party as well, and she could spend with me or with Robert the whole day playing tea party, pretending grocery shopping , cooking and having picnic. She also likes to play with babies , hiding and seek .